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What are the effects of agricultural potassium nitrate and how to use it for good results

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With the development of agricultural science and technology, various agricultural materials have come out one after another, which has brought great benefits to agricultural production. The emergence of agricultural potassium nitrate and other compound fertilizers has increased the yield of crops and brought good harvests to farmers’ friends.

For friends who are engaged in agricultural planting, agricultural materials such as agricultural potassium nitrate are standing items at home. Do you know the effects of agricultural potassium nitrate?

What are the effects of agricultural potassium nitrate?

1. Provide efficient nutrition for plants

Potassium nitrate is an important source of potassium. Potassium is the main cation in plants and can neutralize many negatively charged mineral anions and organic acids. Therefore, the potassium in potassium nitrate is very important for plant growth and development and the normal menu of tissues. Potassium ions (K+) play a vital role in many metabolisms of cells, acting as an osmotic regulator and participating in several processes that regulate plant water utilization.

2. Make plants more robust

Potassium nitrate contains almost no chloride. The increase in chloride content causes toxic reactions, and may also lead to reduced yields and even plant death. Potassium nitrate contains almost no harmful chlorides, and the nitrates in potassium nitrate can offset the harmful effects of chlorides. Improve plant resistance to frost. The potassium in potassium nitrate helps thicken the cell wall and increase the electrolyte concentration in the cell, thereby increasing the plant's frost resistance.

3. Improve soil properties

The nitrate in potassium nitrate increases the pH of the root surface. After the roots absorb nitrate, they will release hydroxide ions (OH-) and form a slightly alkaline environment in the root area, thereby improving the acidic soil properties.

4. Reduce salinity

The nitrate in potassium nitrate can reduce the plant's absorption of chlorine in soil solutions or irrigation water. In the same way, the potassium ions in potassium nitrate can reduce the harmful effects of sodium. Therefore, it is highly recommended to apply potassium nitrate to salt-sensitive crops and when the irrigation water is of poor quality.

5. Easy to handle and apply

Potassium nitrate has high solubility in water. Potassium nitrate can be completely and quickly dissolved in water, making it an ideal choice for irrigation fertilization and foliar spraying. The solubility of potassium nitrate in water increases with the increase of water temperature. Potassium nitrate has no moisture absorption.

But the use of agricultural potassium nitrate is also learned, and only reasonable use can achieve good results.

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