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What To Do With Soil Aging? Vegetable Soil Improvement And Fertilization Technology

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I believe many vegetable farmers know that the harvest of planting vegetables is always worse than each year, and the output is decreasing year by year, which seriously affects the efficiency of planting. This is mainly because the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides leads to soil structure destruction, aging, and declining fertility. At the same time, it also increases the incidence of pests and diseases. So what should the soil of the vegetable garden be aging? Today, the editor will take everyone to learn about vegetable soil improvement and fertilization techniques.


1. Increase the application of farmyard manure to improve soil and fertility. Applying chemical fertilizers throughout the year will not only cause high production costs, but also make the soil compact and lose its ability to maintain and supply fertilizer. To improve the soil of the old vegetable field, it is necessary to apply more farmyard manure to increase humus, so that the water, fertilizer, air, heat, bacteria and other factors in the farming layer can be coordinated and unified, and create a suitable temperature, humidity and complete fertilizer for the growth of vegetable seedling roots, stems and leaves. Good environment.

2. Choose chemical fertilizers and make targeted improvements. Because the acidity and alkalinity of the vegetable garden are different, the chemical fertilizers used should also be different, otherwise it will make it more acidified or alkalized.

Test paper can be used to determine the pH of the soil. If the test paper is pink or red in the soil solution, it is acidic; if it is blue or dark blue, it is alkaline (test papers are sold in the production materials department). Acid soil should be improved with lime (30-40 kg per mu) or plant ash (40-50 kg per mu). At the same time, alkaline fertilizers such as ammonium bicarbonate, ammonia water, calcium-magnesium phosphate fertilizer, and phosphate rock powder are selected for targeted improvement. If the soil is alkaline, acid fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, green ammonium, superphosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium chloride, and potassium sulfate should be used for targeted improvement to make the soil close to neutral. Urea is a neutral fertilizer and can be applied to both acid and alkaline soils.

3. Rotation and cropping, intercropping and intercropping Practice has proved that most vegetables are cropped and cropped every year, not only have low yield and poor quality, but also have more and more serious diseases and insect pests. Therefore, the vegetable garden should implement the rotation of vegetables of different families (plants) to improve the soil and avoid a certain element in the soil (because the same kind of vegetable absorbs the same fertilizer elements).

At the same time, it can also reduce the serious occurrence of a certain pest and the accumulation of certain harmful (toxic) substances in the soil (because the pests and diseases of the same vegetable are the same, and the toxic substances excreted are also the same.) In addition, the vegetable field should be tall and short. Intercropping is also an effective way to improve soil, reduce pests and diseases, and increase planting efficiency.

4. Conservation of water and soil, high planting practice has proved that the use of film-covered culture technology for vegetables can not only make full use of temperature and light conditions and growth period, obtain high yield, high quality and early market, but also prevent soil erosion. In addition, the ditches around the vegetable garden must be unblocked to facilitate irrigation and drainage, lower the groundwater level, and facilitate the good growth of the root system. For vegetable gardens in mountainous and hilly areas, trapezoidal reclamation and planting should be carried out according to contour lines, and troughs should be drawn to intercept the flow. At the same time, management techniques such as ground cover are adopted to prevent soil erosion, cultivate soil stamina, and strive for a better harvest throughout the year.

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