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Ways to grow high-yielding and delicious carrots

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How to manage water and fertilizer in the later stage of planting carrots?

1. Plot requirements and basal fertilizer application

Carrots are deep-rooted and fertilizer-loving crops. Because of their fast growth and short growth period, they require a large amount of fertilizer. Therefore, carrots should be grown on plots with deep layers, fertile soil, rich organic matter content, and easy drainage and irrigation. It is necessary to re-apply base fertilizer. Generally, about 2.5 tons of fully decomposed high-quality farmyard manure should be applied per mu of land, together with about 12 kg of diammonium phosphate, about 8 kg of potassium sulfate and about 4 kg of urea, and appropriate calcium Magnesium phosphate fertilizer is used to increase the calcium and magnesium content in the soil, combined with soil preparation and evenly applied to the soil. It is necessary to plow, rake, and sown.

2. Variety selection and sowing method

For autumn planting, select high-yield carrot varieties, which are usually planted in the first ten days of August or mid-September, and the growth period is about 40 days. It can be broadcasted or drilled. It can be planted by border and ridge. If the drill method is adopted, the row spacing can be controlled at about 25 cm, and the plant spacing after setting seedlings should be controlled within 15 cm to 20 cm.

3. Stay strong and go weak and time to decide on the seedlings

Since carrots are light-loving crops, it is very important to maintain a reasonable density and time seedlings. Thinning should be carried out in time after the seedlings emerge. When the seedlings grow 1 to 2 true leaves, the second thinning should be carried out to remove the weak seedlings and leave the strong seedlings. The density of the seedlings should be about 4 square centimeters. When the seedling height grows to about 8 cm, the second thinning is carried out, and the seedling density is 6 square centimeters. When the plant grows 3 to 4 true leaves, the plant height is more than 15 cm, and the seedlings are fixed, and the density is about 10 square centimeters. Of course, the density of fixed seedlings varies from species to species, and you can refer to species descriptions to determine the density.

4. Topdressing should be timely and watered reasonably

(1) Although carrots have a short growth period, they grow fast and require a lot of nutrients. On the basis of sufficient base fertilizer, two or three top dressings are required to meet the needs of the growth period. When top dressing, you must master the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, if too much nitrogen fertilizer will cause the plant leaves to grow vigorously and affect the development of fleshy roots.

(2) At the same time, the concentration of top dressing should be thin and not thick, otherwise it will cause divergent roots and deform the carrots. Approximately 20 days after emergence, 8 kg of urea and 6 kg of potassium sulfate should be added per mu in the early stage of fleshy root enlargement, and a small amount of fully decomposed human feces and urine should be added. In the middle stage of fleshy root swelling, the secondary top dressing can be applied to each acre of 6 kg of urea, 8 kg of potassium sulfate, and a small amount of decomposed human feces and urine.

(3) According to the situation, spray 0.1% borax solution and ammonium molybdate solution once or twice to promote the growth and development of plants and fleshy roots. Carrots have a well-developed root system and strong absorption capacity, and are relatively drought-tolerant crops. If the top dressing during the growing season encounters drought, it should be combined with watering to apply fertilizer to prevent the appearance of uneven surface of radish, chaff heart and other phenomena that affect quality and yield. During the growth period, it is advisable to irrigate frequently with small water, and generally keep the soil humidity at 60% to 80%. Watering should not be flooded with flooding, and water should be drained in time to prevent waterlogging. Watering is generally stopped when the fleshy roots are fully enlarged.

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