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The difference between organic and inorganic fertilizers

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1.Different role: organic fertilizer contains a large amount of organic matter, its main role is to change the soil fertilizer, can improve the soil; inorganic fertilizer is the main component of inorganic nutrients, the direct role in the growth and development of crops. Lack of organic fertilizer soil environment is getting worse, the lack of inorganic fertilizer may lead to slow growth of crops.

2. Different nutrients: organic fertilizer contains a variety of nutrients, the use of a more balanced and comprehensive, inorganic fertilizer relatively single nutrient, the need to rely on compounding to balance fertilization.

3. The amount of fertiliser applied is different: organic fertiliser is a slow-release fertiliser, with a longer period of effectiveness, but it is released more slowly and the amount used each time is very large, for example, farmyard fertiliser is often applied to the soil in tons; inorganic fertiliser is purified and the amount used is relatively small, like water-soluble fertiliser which is generally used on an acre of land with 5kg to meet crop demand.

4. The impact on crop quality: organic fertilizer in the organic matter for crop growth has a great improvement, inorganic fertilizer can also improve the quality of crops, but to master the scientific method of fertilization, otherwise it will cause fertilizer damage.

5. The frequency of fertilisation is different: organic fertilisers are usually applied once or twice a year, releasing fertility for a long time; inorganic fertilisers should be chased several times according to the growth of the crop.

6. Treatment process: organic fertilizers are generally homemade and need to be fully rotted, otherwise they will bring about pests and diseases; inorganic fertilizers are finished products, which can be directly spread, sprayed and washed, etc., and are more convenient to use. However, the current organic fertilizer finished fertilizer is also gradually more and more, and has become the choice of many growers.

7. impact on the soil: organic fertilizers contain a large number of beneficial microorganisms, which can promote the biological transformation process in the soil, which is conducive to the continuous improvement of soil fertility; long-term mass application of chemical fertilizers can inhibit the activities of soil microorganisms, resulting in a decrease in the soil's ability to automatically regulate.

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