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The Recovery Of Foreign Trade Is Steadily Strengthened

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On April 13, the reporter learned from the press conference of the Information Office of the State Council that according to customs statistics, the total value of my country's imports and exports of goods trade in the first quarter was 8.47 trillion yuan, an increase of 29.2% over the same period last year (the same below). Among them, exports were 4.61 trillion yuan, an increase of 38.7%; imports were 3.86 trillion yuan, an increase of 19.3%.


"In the first quarter of this year, my country's foreign trade continued to maintain a momentum of continuous improvement since the second half of last year, marking a good start for the entire year of this year's foreign trade'steady increase in volume and quality." Said at the press conference.




——The vitality of private enterprises is further enhanced

According to customs data, in the first quarter, the import and export of my country's private enterprises was 3.95 trillion yuan, an increase of 42.7%, accounting for 46.7% of my country's total foreign trade value, an increase of 4.4% year-on-year, and continuing to maintain my country's status as the largest foreign trade operator. Among them, exports were 2.55 trillion yuan, an increase of 50%; imports were 1.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 31%.


Li Kuiwen said that through the data, we can see that the quality and efficiency of my country's foreign trade are gradually improving, and the vitality of private enterprises has been further improved.


Shouhong Medical Holding Group Co., Ltd. is a domestic private enterprise in the medical device trading industry. In the process of development, the company has gradually established eight security service standards, including tendering security, contract security, fund security, cargo security, customs security, cooperation security, information security, and team security, and actively benchmarked against the customs' advanced certification corporate standards.


After the precise cultivation of Qingdao Customs, the company has improved its understanding of the supply chain security framework, the import and export internal control procedures and trade security system have been refined, and its business activities have been continuously regulated. It passed the customs advanced certification at the end of last year. According to statistics, the company expanded to 4 trading countries and regions last year, and this year the company will continue to develop business in the EU, ASEAN and other markets.


Jiangsu Kangte Machinery Co., Ltd. is one of the enterprises visited and investigated by the customs. The main exporter of the main product agricultural sickle is Japan. “In recent years, the domestic market for traditional farm tools has shrunk. I did not expect to open up foreign markets through a series of assistance from Changzhou Customs. The customs also helped train factory inspectors, and the company’s self-inspection capabilities A greater improvement.” said Fang Yun, general manager of Jiangsu Kangte Machinery Co., Ltd.


Customs data shows that in the first quarter, the growth rate of my country's private enterprises' imports and exports was 13.5 percentage points higher than the overall growth rate of my country's foreign trade in the same period, becoming the most important driving force for the growth of my country's foreign trade imports and exports. The growth rate of commodities such as household appliances, computers, medical materials and medicines exported by private enterprises exceeded 70%. The growth rate of imported metal mines and ore, unwrought copper and copper materials, cosmetics and other commodities all exceeded 50%.




—— RCEP trading partners' import and export growth

"In the first quarter of this year, my country's total imports and exports to the remaining 14 RCEP member states was 2.67 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.9%, accounting for 31.5% of my country's total foreign trade import and export value. Among them, exports were 1.25 trillion yuan, an increase of 27.5%; imports were 1.42 billion yuan. Trillion yuan, an increase of 19%. Among the main members, imports and exports to ASEAN, Japan, and South Korea increased by 26.1%, 20.8% and 19.5% respectively." Li Kuiwen said.


According to customs data, in terms of export commodities, exports of mechanical and electrical products accounted for 53% of the total value of exports to RCEP member countries. Among them, integrated circuits, automatic data processing equipment and their parts and components, and exports of textiles and garments have increased significantly. From the perspective of imported goods, imports of integrated circuits, iron ore, and consumer goods have increased significantly.


"Will the reduction of import tariffs on RCEP-related raw materials make domestic purchases replaced by imports?" "What are the preferential agreements for trade exchanges between China, Japan and South Korea affected by RCEP?" "Why do robots reduce taxes in the RCEP agreement?" Local customs actively promoted the construction Platform to carry out RCEP policy preaching around the actual needs of enterprises.


At the State Council’s regular policy briefing held in March, Jiang Feng, Director of the Customs Administration Department of the General Administration of Customs, introduced that in order to ensure the implementation of the agreement, the customs is formulating RCEP origin management measures, which will provide Provisions are made for benefits and certificates of origin. According to the highest international standards, the customs will build a management system for approved exporters in my country from the two dimensions of enterprise qualification and product qualification.


"Since the'golden key' of the preferential certificate of origin in the free trade zone, the products have more price advantages and market competitiveness, and we are full of confidence in opening up the free trade zone market." Xiao Shi, a salesperson of Ningbo Tianyun Food Co., Ltd. Say. Recently, with the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area Certificate of Origin signed with RCEP member ASEAN, a batch of canned oranges worth US$148,100 entered the Indonesian market with "zero tariff".


According to statistics, in the first quarter, Ningbo Customs only issued 47,600 certificates of origin of free trade agreements implemented by RCEP member countries, with a visa amount of US$1.513 billion, helping Ningbo enterprises to obtain tariff reductions and exemptions from RCEP member countries for a total of 75.65 million US dollars.


At present, China has completed the approval and became the first country to ratify the RCEP agreement. Compared with bilateral free trade agreements, RCEP accumulation rules with 15 contracting parties will further lower the threshold for products to obtain tariff concessions, and will be more conducive to expanding product exports.



——The export proportion of mechanical and electrical products exceeds 60%

According to customs data, in the first quarter, my country exported 2.78 trillion yuan of mechanical and electrical products, an increase of 43%, accounting for 60.3% of the total export value, an increase of 1.7% over the same period last year; among them, the export of automatic data processing equipment and its components, mobile phones, Automobiles increased by 54.5%, 38.5% and 98.9% respectively.


"Relevant data released by the National Bureau of Statistics show that the manufacturing purchasing manager index has been above the rise and fall line for 13 consecutive months. The production index and new order index of most industries are above the threshold. The manufacturing industry has further rebounded, which has driven integrated circuits. The rapid growth of imports of products such as, energy and resources." Li Kuiwen said.


As one of the four major international machine tool exhibitions in the world, the 17th China International Machine Tool Show (hereinafter referred to as CIMT2021) is being held at the China International Exhibition Center (New Hall) in Beijing. CIMT2021 has become the first to be held normally under the background of normalization of epidemic prevention and control. At the internationally renowned machine tool exhibition, more than 1,500 machine tool industry manufacturers from 27 countries and regions participated in the exhibition, and hot technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, robotics, and additive manufacturing became the focus of attention.


"The robot here comes from Japan, but the complete solution is a traditional design we made for domestic application scenarios. This is the first time that we have integrated all automated things on display." Shanghai FANUC Robotics Co., Ltd. Market Minister Dai Qi pointed to the introduction of the fully automated system of the die-casting unit.


As of April 8, Beijing Customs has inspected and released 61 batches of inbound exhibits at the Machine Tool Show, totaling 237 tons, valued at RMB 42.4142 million, mainly including metal cutting machine tools, special processing machine tools, industrial robots, CNC systems and other exhibits. .


The restorative growth of the global economy and trade is conducive to the growth of my country's foreign trade. Li Kuiwen said that since the beginning of this year, the global manufacturing industry has continued to improve. In March, the manufacturing PMI of the United States, the Eurozone, and Japan rose to 64.7, 62.5, and 52.7, respectively, setting new highs since December 1983, June 1997, and November 2018. This will drive the rapid growth of my country’s exports.

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