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How to use inorganic fertilizer correctly

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Inorganic fertilizer is a mineral fertilizer, also known as chemical fertilizer, or chemical fertilizer for short. It is called "fast-acting fertilizer" because it is simple in composition, contains high active ingredients, is easily soluble in water, decomposes quickly, and is easily absorbed by the root system. The usual chemical fertilizer is both "inorganic fertilizer". Inorganic fertilizers are fertilizers produced by chemical synthesis methods, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, compound fertilizers.

(1) ammonium bicarbonate: also known as ammonium bicarbonate, containing about 17% nitrogen, in the case of high temperature or humidity, it is very easy to decompose to produce ammonia volatilization. It is a weak acidic reaction, and is a fast-acting fertilizer.

(2) urea: 46% nitrogen, is the most nitrogen in solid nitrogen fertilizer species. Fertilizer effect is slower than ammonium sulfate, but the fertilizer effect is longer. Urea is neutral reaction, suitable for all kinds of soil. Generally used as an extra-root fertilizer, the concentration of 0.1% to 0.3% is appropriate.

(3) ammonium sulfate: containing 20% to 21% nitrogen, each kilogram of ammonium sulfate fertilizer effect is equivalent to 60-100kg of human feces and urine, easily soluble in water, fast fertilizer effect, short validity generally 10 to 20 days. A weak acidic reaction, more than used as a fertilizer.

(4) calcium-magnesium phosphate fertilizer: 14% to 18% phosphorus, slightly alkaline, the fertilizer effect is slow, long after-effects. If with crop straw, garbage, stable manure, etc. to make compost, in the process of fermentation and maturation can produce organic acids and increase the effectiveness of fertilizer, suitable for base fertilizer. It is suitable for acidic or slightly acidic soil, and can supplement the deficiency of calcium and magnesium trace elements in the soil.

(5) Potassium sulfate: 48% to 52% of potassium. It is mainly used as a base fertilizer, but also as a follow-up fertilizer. It should be applied deeply by digging a trench, and the effect is fast near the root layer. When used as an extra-root fertilizer, the concentration should not exceed 0.1%. It has a neutral reaction and is not easily absorbed and caked, so it can be applied in general soils. Grapes are a potassium-loving fruit tree, and potassium sulfate is very effective when applied.

(6) Grass wood ash: It is the residue of burning plant bodies. Grass wood ash contains about 5% to 10% potassium, 1% to 4% phosphorus, 0.14% nitrogen, and up to 30% calcium. The majority of potassium in grass ash is water-soluble and is a fast-acting fertilizer. It can be used as a chasing fertilizer or as a base fertilizer. Grass wood ash should not be mixed with ammonium sulfate, human urine, etc. to avoid nitrogen loss. Storage should be prevented from moisture to avoid nutrient loss.

(7) Lime: alkaline, is a common fertilizer in the acidic soil of southern China, after application not only increases the calcium fertilizer in the soil, improve the soil structure, but also neutralize the soil acidity. When composting compost, mix in a small amount of lime to accelerate the decay.

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