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How to choose organic and inorganic fertilizers for flowers

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Plant seedlings in the early stages of growth can be regularly supplemented with fertilizers containing high nitrogen (such as urea) to promote more vigorous growth of leaves, while plants in the middle and late stages of growth, want to promote flowering, we need to supplement more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, you can supplement the common potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution.

In addition to buying some fertilizers directly in the market, we can actually make some natural fertilizers ourselves, just like the common kinds of compost that can be made from household waste, such as coffee, eggshells, banana peels, fallen leaves, dried grass and twigs, etc. All of them can be made into organic compost.

First, why should I use natural organic fertilizer?

Organic fertilizers are loaded with various nutrients that are naturally occurring. In most cases, these organic substances can be good for plant growth and can increase the microorganisms inside the soil and convert them into plant minerals to make plants grow more robust.

The release of nutrients from these fertilizers is slow and continuous, it ensures that the soil remains fertile for a year or two and prevents too much mineral or heavy metal deposits in the soil. 

When raising flowers and vegetables, many people use a variety of different natural fertilizers, what we normally call organic fertilizers, including the common cow manure, chicken manure, seaweed fertilizer, organic compost or vermicompost.

However, because many of the smell is relatively large, when the indoor flowers will rarely be used, but there are some organic fertilizers made of natural materials, there is no smell, and indoor flowers can also be used properly.

Second, several natural "organic fertilizer"

The following materials can be turned into natural fertilizers for potted plants with a little processing, and they are easy to obtain and process.

1、Egg shells

Eggshells can provide plants with the trace elements needed for growth, including the most critical element of calcium, and it can also reduce the acidity of the soil.

Eggshells must be cleaned before use, especially the egg whites inside the shells. Also pay attention to placing them in a sunny place to dry, then crush them into small pieces or powder and mix them into the soil, they can be turned into organic fertilizer.

2、Banana peel

Banana peel is very rich in potassium, will also contain a small amount of nitrogen phosphorus and magnesium, is a very natural slow-acting fertilizer.

Of course, we can not directly throw the banana peels on the potting soil, and do not mix them into the soil, usually they are dried, and then crushed into powder or small pieces, and then put into the soil to make a slow-acting organic fertilizer, so that the nutrients in the banana peels can be slowly released into the soil.

3、Coffee grounds

Waste coffee grounds can be collected and used to make organic compost or liquid fertilizer. Coffee grounds itself is a very loose and breathable material, which has a certain promotion effect on the growth of plants.

Coffee grounds before use, you can use a black plastic bag, add appropriate water, mix well and put in a place with a higher temperature, after most of the month can be used, before use to pay attention to mix in the soil.

Three, the impact of chemical fertilizers

Chemical fertilizers are easily available in any gardening store, they are cheap and the nutrients can be released quickly in order to have a quick effect on the plants, chemical fertilizers are explicitly given to the plants to supplement a certain nutrient, this is organic fertilizers can not be compared.

However, if you use chemical fertilizers for a long time, it will cause some damage to the environment and plants.


Many novice flower growers do not know how much fertilizer is appropriate for plants, especially some raised inside small pots, once you give more fertilizer, it is easy to lead to fertilizer injuries, these fertilizers will burn the roots of plants, which will eventually lead to plant wilting and yellowing of leaves.

2、Deposition of chemical substances

This is an unavoidable problem with chemical fertilizers, because there will be too much chemical substances deposited in the soil, which will eventually damage the roots.

3、Deterioration of soil structure

Chemical fertilizers will quickly provide nutrients for plants to absorb, but they cannot improve the soil, which will eventually lead to the destruction of the soil's organic matter and microbial ecosystem, which is also unavoidable, and the soil's ability to retain water and absorb nutrients will continue to decrease.

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