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Help Export Companies To Effectively Develop International Markets

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In 2020, my country's total imports and exports of goods were 32.16 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.9% from 2019. Foreign trade imports and exports were much better than expected and are expected to 2021 It will continue to grow. Foreign trade will become an important engine of economic growth in the Northeast. In his speech, Pang Baoguo said that three provinces and one district CCPIT were co-hosting this forum in the current special period. On the one hand, it aims to thoroughly implement the proposals of the Secretary General of the Jin Ping internship in September 2018. Regions and cooperation in key areas will create a synergistic and open force in Northeast China. " Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, and eastern Inner Mongolia, on the other hand, belong to the Northeast Economic Zone. They are all old industrial bases in the Northeast. They are all located in a central area opening onto the economic circle of Northeast Asia. The Northeast market has enormous potential, with three provinces and one region having all responsibilities to help open and service foreign trade.


"Foreign trade companies combine two domestic and foreign markets and two resources and play a unique role in building a new pattern of development." Feng Yaoxiang makes three suggestions for Northeast China foreign trade companies to integrate with the new development pattern and achieve high-quality development: first, increase investment in innovation, continue to improve the technical content and quality of export products; second, actively study the transfer of export products to domestic sales, further open the domestic market on the basis of opening the international market, and achieve "the same line, the same standard and the same quality"; third, proactively use RCEP in the Free Trade Agreement in country reduces trade costs and optimizes the supply chain layout of the enterprise's industrial chain. He stressed that foreign trade enterprises should take full advantage of their own strengths, comparative advantages of relevant countries and market space, plan to promote the expansion and modernization of the industrial supply chain, implement the transformation and modernization of the foreign trade structure and - quality development and supporting the development of internal circulation and integration of foreign trade.


“Foreign trade orders are no longer simply carried out through one channel. They must be implemented through multi-channel and multi-mode cooperation. " Li Liyuan, chief operating officer of Xiamen Gudao Group, suggested that companies should advance to overseas markets and build independent online marketing stations. Customers have enough time to trust the company and products via the official website, opinion from search engines and the public on social media. The dual offline and online approach can double the effect, increase the single chance and achieve a broader and wider overseas promotion effect.


Zheng Xiaohong, a certified lecturer at Alibaba International Station and Taobao University and head of the Lazada certification agency, suggested that export companies should "look at it for five years, think about three years and work hard for a year" by analyzing industry reports, participating in forums and looking for peers for communication We plan the future strategy in different ways, we wait and see new ways to use new sales markets, we explore business opportunities in the industry to formulate strategic goals and we break down goals into tasks as a premise of ensuring the continuous development of the existing company, so that every employee can understand the future A year of concrete work, solidly promotes enterprises to go abroad.


Xiao Bixiang, president of Xiamen Gudao Group Co., Ltd., said the group's national demonstration platform for small and medium-sized enterprises and ten largest city cross-border e-commerce service providers - "Bull Trade Bull." municipalities in terms of promoting Good Internet Marketing and promotion channels that will help foreign trade companies build a new digital foreign trade infrastructure, and foreign trade companies to better implement their brands abroad.


"In the next step, three provinces and one CCPIT region will develop deeper cooperation in increasing exports." Pang Baoguo said that in terms of economic and commercial activity, the three provinces and one CCPIT region will jointly host enterprises to participate in China -Mongolia Expo, China-Russia Expo, Northeast Asia Expo, China Japan Expo and other exhibitions and international business and commercial; as for service enterprises, we will dock enterprises and industries in the region, recommend more service platforms, strengthen cooperation in key areas such as equipment manufacturing, high technology, agricultural and livestock products; in the field of "foreign trade stabilization" we will do a good job in the three main articles of the "old brand", "original brand" and "new brand", strengthen the international exchange of economic and commercial information, implement multilateral and multilateral cooperation beneficial to all, and contribute to a new pattern of fluid circulation development and mutual promotion of dual circulation.

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