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Four notes for top dressing of tomatoes

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Four notes for top dressing of tomatoes:

One control: During the period from tomato planting to before fruit setting, top dressing should be observed and the amount of top dressing should be controlled. If the top dressing is too much and too concentrated, it is easy to cause leggy plants, and even cause flowers and fruits to fall. Therefore, in this period, in addition to the serious lack of fertilizer in the plants, the amount of top dressing should generally be controlled, and a little dilute manure or biochemical organic fertilizer can be applied.

Second promotion: Tomatoes should be fertilized frequently during the young fruit period and harvest period to promote their growth and development. When the ear fruit grows to the size of walnut, chemical fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times quickly. Generally, the concentration of 30% human manure or 5% sulfur-containing compound fertilizer leaching solution should be applied to ensure that the plant does not lose fertilizer. After the young fruit enters the expansion stage, in order to meet the needs of plant growth and avoid defertilization in the later stage, it is necessary to promote fruit-preserving fertilizer. Generally, 40% human manure or 5% sulfur-containing compound is applied every 10 days on sunny days. Fertilizer leachate.

Three sprays: Tomatoes not only absorb nutrients from the soil by the roots, but also absorb mineral nutrients from the leaves to promote the development of fruits and seeds. Therefore, during the fruit growth period, especially when the continuous rain in the early stage cannot be used for soil topdressing, foliar fertilizer should be sprayed 2-3 times. It can be sprayed with 300-500 times of organic liquid fertilizer, and 500 times of chelated multi-compound micro-fertilizer can be used. Liquid spraying to improve the quality of tomatoes.

Four taboos: Tomato topdressing should not be carried out in the case of wet soil and high temperature at noon, and excessively concentrated fertilization should be avoided. Concentrated fertilization is easy to make plants grow leggy and cause fertilizer damage; fertilization in the case of wet soil can easily cause physiological diseases such as falling flowers, leaves and fruits; fertilizing under high temperature conditions, the evaporation of plant leaves will be large, which will affect the effect of fertilizer. Tomatoes do not have strict requirements on soil conditions, but in order to obtain high yield and promote good root development, fertile loam soil with deep soil layer, good drainage and rich organic matter should be selected. The pH of the soil should be pH 6 to 7, and the soil that is too acidic or too alkaline should be improved.

Tomatoes are more sensitive to fertilizers. The time, amount, concentration and dispersion of fertilizers are closely related to their yield and quality. There are also certain differences in different regions.

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