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Corn Fertilizer Technology

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1. Deep application of base fertilizer:

Base fertilizer is the fertilizer applied before sowing, also known as base fertilizer, which should be mainly based on high-quality organic fertilizer and supplemented by chemical fertilizer. Its important role is to fertilize soil, loosen soil, release nutrients slowly, and supply the needs of corn seedling and later growth and development. At present, the source of organic fertilizers in the Corps Tuan Farm is in short supply, and the base fertilizers are basically decomposed oil residues, organic compound fertilizers, straw returning to the fields, green manures and chemical fertilizers. Generally, 40%-50% of the total amount of organic fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer, and 70%-80% of the total amount of phosphate fertilizer are applied in full depth in combination with autumn ploughing.

Second, use good fertilizer:

Seed fertilizer is needed for seed germination and seedling growth. Since chemical fertilizers, especially nitrogen fertilizers, can cause rotten seeds, they should be applied separately from the seeds at a depth of 8-10cm. The amount of seed fertilizer: about 10% of the total nitrogen fertilizer and all the remaining phosphorus fertilizer after applying base fertilizer, add 20-30kg of decomposed oil residue or sheep manure.

3. Topdressing by different times:

1. Seedling fertilizer

For plots without seed fertilizers, combined with the second cultivator topdressing, the amount of seedling-raising fertilizer is equivalent to that of seed fertilizers, and 20-30kg of decomposed oil residue or sheep manure is added;

2. Booting fertilizer

Corn jointing to tasseling is a period of great effect of fertilization. This period is at the peak of the differentiation of female ear and spikelet, and vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand. It is a critical period to determine the size of the ear and the number of grains. Nitrogen fertilizer should be used as booting fertilizer, and the quantity accounts for about 40% of the total nitrogen fertilizer. Combined with ditching and soil cultivation, the fertilizer effect can be quickly exerted after irrigation;

3. Flower grain fertilizer

Maize has completely entered the reproductive growth stage, and more than 90% of the dry matter yield in the grain comes from the photosynthesis products of the leaves. At this time, keeping the leaves green and prolonging the leaf functional period is an important measure to increase the grain weight and obtain high yield.

Due to the tall corn plants in this period, it is impossible to carry out mechanical operations in the field. For plots irrigated by drip irrigation or self-pressure hose, 5-10kg of special fertilizer for drip irrigation or other nitrogen fertilizers can be applied with water. Or add a certain amount of coated urea to the furrowing and top dressing to control and delay the release rate of nitrogen fertilizer and prolong the fertilizer effect period of urea;

4. Foliar spray

The operation of foliar spraying fertilizer is relatively simple, the nutrient elements run fast, and the effect is fast. The types of foliar fertilizers mainly include trace element foliar fertilizers, rare earth micro-fertilizers, organic compound foliar fertilizers and some biological regulators. It is generally used in conjunction with measures such as spraying.

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